Trinity Concepts (2.04) Man's Soul (Styles of Learning)





There are basically three styles of learning which correlate to the three parts of the human soul (will, mind and emotions).  The auditory style correlates to the will of the soul.  The visual correlates to the mind of the soul, and the kinesthetic correlates to the emotion of the soul.

Just as in the human personalities, there is most always a blending of the three areas for each unique personality, there is also a unique blend of learning styles for the individual.  There are generally ‘leanings’ or ‘bents’, however, in one direction or another.

The Bible correlates ‘hearing’ to ‘obeying’.  Those who receive commands verbally, act decisively to fulfill what is spoken.  Auditory learners are ‘will’ centered in their personality temperaments (Choleric).  This works well in militaristic situations requiring instant obedience for instant results.  Auditory (aural) learners prefer lectures over book study or social interaction, although they can function to a certain extent in either of these other areas.  The will-centered learner, being the center-most area between the mind and the emotions, can lean a little to the mind-centered learning style or the other direction, to the emotion-centered learning style, but will not involve himself fully in either area.  Due to the strength of his decision to do so, he can function in these other areas up to a certain point, but will finally grow weary, returning to his most natural place of auditory learning.

It is easy to see the metaphoric relationship throughout Scripture of the ‘eye’ to the ‘mind’.  Visual learners are ‘mind-centered’ in their personality temperaments (Melancholy) and relate to visual stimuli such as text-books, charts, graphs, videos, etc.  Visual learners are on opposite extremes from the kinesthetic learners, just as the mind-centered personalities are opposite from the emotion-centered personalities.  Visual learners will be able to connect to the auditory (or will-centered) learning style more easily than the kinesthetic, and will easily be overwhelmed by ‘too much’ stimulus of social interactivity.  They prefer to be alone in their work, where they can be singularly focused.  They are usually highly organized in their thoughts, and require that organization in order to learn.  When things become disorganized and ‘out of control’, they find it difficult to focus and be successful in their work.

Kinesthetic learners are emotion-centered (Sanguine personality) in their learning style, and require social interaction and ‘hands-on’ involvement, in order to fully absorb what they are learning.  Simply sitting in a class-room reading a text-book is boring and non-inspiring to them, while class-participation, a job doing something, or some form of ‘manipulative’ is essential to maximize their learning process.  These people can be very intelligent, but lack motivation in the traditional class-room structure, which is geared primarily towards the visual and aural learner.  The kinesthetic learner may be branded as unintelligent or ‘unfocussed’ simply because his learning style is not being accessed properly in the learning environment.

The combination of all three styles, is (as stated above) what relates to most people.  Some people lean strongly to one of the three areas, while others have a greater ‘blend’ of all three.  The most unified of all three areas could be classified as the Phlegmatic personality.  Yet even these have a slight leaning in one direction or another.  Some people are blended with a stronger aggressive will.  Others are blended with a more submissive will.  The combination of the three elements of mind, will and emotions (visual, aural, and kinesthetic respectively) are as diverse as the number of people ever to have lived.  The goal of this study is not to demean or subjugate people into a ‘cookie-cutter’ view of human relationships, but rather to simply encourage a more effective learning environment.  Any communicator, whether they be a leader, teacher, or colleague, would be well-advised to continue the pursuit of successfully relating to others, giving them the best opportunity to connect through the most applicable tools to their style of learning. 


(for more study, see the Trinity Concepts Key)

Trinity Concepts (4.02) Color





The three primary colors of yellow, blue and red have distinct characteristics relating to the Trinity.  Blue and Red are opposites, from the standpoint of direction.  Blue is recessive, Red is aggressive.  Blue is the smallest light-wave of the three and red is the largest.  Yellow stands in the middle, between the two, almost like a balancing point between them.  It is the middle length light-wave.

The colors can be metaphoric of human personalities.  (See Man's Soul (personalities))  Red is the fiery, emotional Sanguine, Blue is the analytical Melancholy.  Yellow is the clear decision-making Choleric.  The mixture or blend of all three colors depicts the Phlegmatic.

Blue correlates to the Son or Word, Yellow correlates to the Father and Red correlates to the Holy Spirit.  With the human soul, following the same pattern, the mind correlates to the Son and the color Blue.  It is analytical, Melancholy and detailed, with the smallest wavelength. (People who are Melancholy in their personality temperament learn by visual systems, primarily). 

As stated above, the human will correlates to the Father, and the color yellow.  It is the middle wavelength, between blue and red.  The vibrancy of yellow is symbolic of the Choleric's aggressive, active will to ‘get things done’.  (People who are Choleric tend to learn by auditory systems successfully.)

The emotions of the human soul correlate to the Holy Spirit and the color Red. It is impassioned and incites response.  It is the longest of the three primary color waves.  It is the most noticeable color of the three and it draws attention to itself.  From the standpoint of human personality it relates to the Sanguine, the ‘life of the party’, the one with ‘charisma’.  (People who are of this temperament tend to learn more effectively kinesthetically, being involved in physical activity.  They also become disinterested if they are contained in un-involvement.)   

The blending of all three colors, especially in their pallor, can portray the unassuming personality of a Phlegmatic.

Interestingly, as the color Yellow is between Blue and Red, the Will stands between the Mind and the Emotions.  One can oftentimes observe a Choleric personality function in both the realm of the Mind and also the Emotions, as the Choleric touches both.

As in body types (see Man’s Body) we find that there are mixtures of different possibilities in a variety of combinations, which produce an array of different personalities.  Ultimately, there are as many variations as there are shades of color. 


(for more study, see the Trinity Concepts Key)

Trinity Concepts (2.03) Man's Soul, Personalities

Man’s soul (personalities)






The ancient Hebrew word for heart is ‘leb’, which is the mind, emotions and will.  These attributes of the human soul can be seen in modern-day psychological studies.  One study divides the human personalities as such: Choleric (black and white decision-making); Sanguine (life of the party); Melancholy (detailed, analytical); Phlegmatic (stubbornly unmoved).  Although the four-fold nature of this psychological study seems to be enigmatic, its relationship to the triune human soul is simple to see. 

The Choleric personality is centered in the will of the soul, as it is a decisive personality.  The Sanguine personality is centered in the emotion of the soul.  The Sanguine is easily moved to joy or tears.  The Melancholy personality is centered in the mind of the soul, as this person bases his every move on meticulous calculation.  The Phlegmatic personality is said to have as his motto, “I shall not be moved”.  His personality is centered, as is the Choleric’s in the will, however, it is a passive will, while it’s Choleric counterpart is an active, aggressive will. 

Another view of the Phlegmatic personality can be illustrated with color, which also holds a triune example.  The three primary colors are Red, Blue and Yellow.  When mixing these colors together into one color, they become Brown, a very non-specific, or ‘vanilla’ common color.  This could also be similar to what happens in the mix of human personality traits, as the fiery Sanguine (represented by red) blends with the cold and calculated Melancholy (represented by blue) and the somewhat removed, or objective decision-making Choleric (represented by yellow, the color closest to light or white) balances and arbitrates between the two characteristics of red and blue.  In other words, the ‘average’, ‘vanilla’ Phlegmatic personality is actually a well-blended mix of the mind will and emotions of the soul, while the others excel in one or more areas of these.

(for more study, see the Trinity Concepts Key)